Item #: BPC-HFA51025 Brand: Buyers Products Company

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50 GPM In-Tank Filter 1-1/4 Inch NPT/10 Micron/25 PSI Bypass

  • Space-saving in-tank design.
  • Filters contaminants down to 10 or 25 microns from the oil returning to the reservoir.
  • Extends the life of your hydraulic system.


Most items are drop shipped from the manufacturer, in some cases, parts may not be available. We will do our best to obtain all the parts needed, however, if unsuccessful, we will follow up with you and return any unshipped items.

SKU: BPC-HFA51025 Category:


The HFA5 Series 50 GPM In-Tank Filter from Buyers Products blocks contaminants as small as 10 microns from returning to your hydraulic reservoir.

Located inside the reservoir, the filter assembly saves space by not having to be installed externally, and can operate in temperatures from -22F to 212 F. It can handle up to 100 PSI working pressure and has a 25 PSI bypass. The assembly comes with the filter head and either a 10 or 25 micron filter element. The 25 micron element allows an increased flow rate of up to 40 GPM.

Additional information

Weight 6.35 lbs
Common Use

Truck and Trailer Hydraulic Systems

Country of Origin




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