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Body-Up Indicator Kit
- Helps reduce chance of overhead collisions with raised dump bodies.
- Bright red light draws attention if dump body is up.
- Available with or without an audible buzzer.
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Buyers Products Dump Body-Up Indicator Kit mounts to the frame of your vehicle to notify you when the dump body is raised, increasing alertness while working. It is designed to reduce the chance of overhead collisions with raised dump bodies. Waterproof and IP68 rated, this indicator can perform in the most extreme temps: -40 F to 185 F. The Body-Up Indicator Kit has 304 stainless steel housing for the ultimate in corrosion resistance. The kit also includes a wiring harness and red indicator light so you’ll have everything you need for installation. Choose between a standard red light or a buzzer light with 70 dB alarm.
Additional information
Weight | 1.7 lbs |
Dimensions | 1.75 × 1.88 in |
Common Use | Dump Body Applications, Dump Trailers, Dump Trucks |
Country of Origin | TW |
Brand |
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