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SAM Universal Speader Conveyor Motor 12VDC 5/8 Inch Shaft
- 40A with load.
- Clockwise or counterclockwise, 5/8 in. shaft.
- 1/2 HP+, 1800 RPM.
- 56C motor frame.
Most items are drop shipped from the manufacturer, in some cases, parts may not be available. We will do our best to obtain all the parts needed, however, if unsuccessful, we will follow up with you and return any unshipped items.
SAM Universal 12V Spreader Conveyor Motor is similar to Artic OEM: AG6E, AG8E, AG10E, 90151N; Bilzzard Ice Chaser OEM: 95755-1; Curtis SnoPro 550 Series OEM: 1Cs6E-M; Fisher Poly-Caster OEM: 195755,95755-1, 95755-2; Western Tornado OEM: 95755, 95852; Sno-Way V Box Electric OEM: 96113617, 96111764.
Additional information
Weight | 23.5 lbs |
Country of Origin | US |
Common Use |
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