Item #: BPC-1492100 Brand: Buyers Products Company

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5 Inch Clear Round Incandescent Flood Light – Black Housing

  • Rubber housing protects the light.
  • IP67 rated for water and dust resistance.
  • Backed with a 5 year warranty.


Most items are drop shipped from the manufacturer, in some cases, parts may not be available. We will do our best to obtain all the parts needed, however, if unsuccessful, we will follow up with you and return any unshipped items.

SKU: BPC-1492100 Category:


Buyers Products 5 Inch Incandescent Flood Light has a sealed rubber housing and a blunt cut connection. It sits on a zinc-plated mount and has a 10 in. lead length. The 35W light is IP67 rated for water and dust resistance and is backed with a 5 year warranty.