Parts for Case 310 Dozer


Stock photos provided to us by the manufacturer do not necessarily represent the actual item being purchased. Please refer to the title and description on this page before you place your order.

Most items are drop shipped from the manufacturer, in some cases, parts may not be available. We will do our best to obtain all the parts needed, however, if unsuccessful, we will follow up with you and return any unshipped items.

Track Adjusters

Ref. Part Number Part Description Machine Qty Cost Each Cost Extended Select
(1) PVE-217-532 Track Adjuster Plug
(2) PVE-D35287 Case Track Adjuster Fitting
(3) PVE-D42202 Track Adjuster Complete Assembly
(3) PVE-D42199 Track Adjuster Tube
(3) PVE-R48241 Track Adjuster Rod
(3) Placeholder PVE-907001 Track Adjuster Seal Kit
(5) PVE-D39498 Track Tension Spring
(6) PVE-D20845 Bolt
(7) PVE-D20844 Threaded Ring
(8) PVE-D20843 Nut, Threaded
(9) PVE-PV415 Adapter (To Bolt Adjuster to New Style Idler)
(14) PVE-D35276 Wear Plate (3/8” Thick)
(14A) PVE-PV432 Wear Plate (1/2” Thick)
(15) PVE-D43509 Idler Guide Plate